Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week Three

The teachers for this week were Marcos and Diana Buser from the Cartegena YWAM base. Marcos is orginally from switzerland but married diana and is now running the school in Cartegena, Columbia. They taught us about inner healing and how it is an important if you want to grow closer to God. We had a time of sharing and everything was very good. Other than that not to much happened this week. I finished the second book we were supposed to read, it was by Loren Cunningham the founder of YWAM. It was the story on how it started, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for your prayer. Love Christopher

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Week Two

This week Ricardo and Marilu Rodrigoz came from Columbia. They are in charge of all of the YWAM bases in this area. The teaching was about interpersonal relations also know as dating. It was a good week. On Friday nights we have a social time when the leaders plan something fun and we do it as a group. This week we went to Quistacocha which is called a zoo but it is more like dangerous animals behind chain link fences. It was cool to see the different animals, I held an anaconda. There was a lake there and we went swimming and then played volleyball. Some days our food is bland at the base so Aaron and i decided to make salsa. We went to this huge open air market that looks like something you only see in magazines. I cant even describe what it was like. Everyone told us to be carefull with our wallets because that is the worst area for pick pockets. I maybe able to get pictures of it sometime we´ll have to see. Today I went to a CNI game which is the professional futbal, or i should say soccer team. They lost one nothing but it was still fun to go to. Things are going great, your continual prayers are appreciated. With love, Christopher.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

First week of school

This week was our first week of the class for the Discipleship Training School. It was great, Don Riling and his son came from New York and taught our class. They taught us on intercession and mentoring. We are kept busy here. I get free time on the weekends but the rest of the time i am in class or doing homework. I am going closer to people here and making a lot of great friendships. Thank you for all of your prayers. For outreach we are splitting up into two different groups, which are determined by our leaders. They need to decide exactly how it is going to be done, i´ll inform you of that later. We will be traveling on a cuircuit going from church to church. We will start here in Peru, then go to Chile, then Argentina, then Bolivia and then back to Peru. I´ll have more details later but that is all i know at this point. We are working on a drama for street out reach right now. This is not one of my strong points but i know God will use me through it. Love Christopher. P.S. Happy Birthday Dad