Friday, July 10, 2009

Jujuy Argentina

Hey, i just wanted to give an update on how things are going. Sorry that i did not get to update last week. I will try to cover last week and part of this week. Things have been difficult to do outreach for the past two weeks in Argentina. Right now there is a federal ban on meeting in public places such as the plazas. This is due to the swine flu, there is a really big fear of it here. I am not sure how it is back home. Because we cant do outreach on the street we have been working with the churches more, doing services in the church. Last week we painted the outside of the church and did one street outreach before the ban was put in place. Schools have been cancelled so we get to spend a lot of time with the youth from the churches. This week we have a service every night, during the day we go door to door and invite people to the services. This culture is different from many that we have experience already. They like to stay up late, last week it was common to not go to bed untill two or later, this week it is not so bad ushually we get to go to bed by one or so. But they dont get up early in the morning so we get plenty of sleep. Onother cultural thing here is when you greet you kiss on each cheak and also they drink mate here. Mate is a strong tea and it is a social thing that they pass around and everyone drinks, i like it. I think i am preaching tonight. I have some prayer request, that i would appreciate if you pray for. The first request is that we might have trouble crossing into Bolivia on Tuesday so, just pray for that. There are a lot of rumors that the borders are closed and so on. The second request is for a girl on the other team, she is twenty-three and has the chicken pox for the first time. I guess it is pretty bad so just pray for her. The last request is, there is a family on my team and they have for children. The youngest one is three and he is really sick right now. They took him to the hospital at least two times for i.v.s and it does not seem like he is getting any better. They did blood test and hopefully we will get the results back tonight. His name is Emanuel. Thank you for all your prayer support. Love Christopher.

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